medium-length hikes

between 7 and 15 km

Here are some ideas for medium-length hikes in the Brembana Valley that you can do in a day!

Medium-length hikes in the Brembana Valley are suitable for everyone, you just need to have a minimum of physical fitness (we advise you not to go from the couch h24 directly to these activities). As we often say, the mountains can be appreciated by everyone, but it is important to have the right preparation and above all go step by step! Check the table well with the information so that you have a complete overview on path you are going to face. 

To fully enjoy these excursions we recommend that you take the whole day. These are routes that fall between 7 and 15 km. Don’t be scared off by the length, sometimes longer trails are less challenging than shorter trails. Always take into account the altitude difference you are going to face and also the type of terrain. 

The tour of the villages in
San Pellegrino Terme

Laura a Vettarola

Excursion to the Benigni refuge
from Mount Avaro


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